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Music- and nature-inspired vessels to ground you in the present moment.

Harmonia (/hɑːrˈmoʊniə/): The immortal goddess of harmony, peace & concord.


Harmony (/hɑɹ.mə.ni/): A pleasing arrangement of parts; internal calm; the combination of simultaneously sounded musical notes having a pleasing effect.

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Harmonia Ceramics was founded by ceramic artist, writer & music journalist Laura Ferreiro. The minute Laura put her hands on the cool clay and the wheel started spinning, she was hooked. Even though the first bowl she made was wonky, heavy and looked like it was made by a 1st-grader, the challenge of learning how to create pieces in harmony with the potter’s wheel (which can be very unforgiving) was one she was ready to accept.


Laura typically spent several hours a day in front of the computer writing, researching and emailing in her job as a writer and marketing consultant, so working with something tactile and visceral – raw earth from the ground that you can hold in your hands – felt amazing. Working on the wheel also requires intense focus because one wrong move can throw everything off, so cares and worries fade into the background as you concentrate on shaping the smooth clay in your hands into a cup,  bowl, planter or vase.


As a former music journalist and a music nerd, the names of many of these pieces are inspired by artists and albums Laura loves. See if you can guess which ones they are! (Some are obvious, others not so much.)


Laura also loves how handmade ceramics can create community. Whether it’s using these pieces in group gatherings, tea ceremonies or the community of potters around L.A. & beyond who share techniques & support each other’s work, it’s one of the things she values most.

When Laura isn’t making ceramics at her studio in Los Angeles, she’s hiking the canyons near her house, making tea and plant-based tonics and helping artists, nonprofits, brands and entrepreneurs powerfully share their stories as the founder of M4G Media and Story Harmony.

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